Wyrmlord Stormcaller & her friends vs Heroes of Elsir Vale |
Uah vs the Bonedrinkers |
Uaah Cailyenna & elf Ranger Arno Lightleaf aid Tessele and the 2 dwarves Dagny & Thragny vs Wyrmlord Ulvai Stormcaller and her warriors - 3 doomfist monks and 2 clerics. Ulvai & her forces defeated, 1 cleric captured after killing Thragny.
Move through chamber with pit containing gargantuan grey ooze.
Enter Hall of the Bonedrinkers, the 6 attack swiftly killing Dagny and the hobgoblin prisoner; then Cailyena temporarily hypnotises 4 of them. As the fight goes on 3 Bonedrinkers are destroyed, 3 remain.
Happy D&D players! |
Hall of the Pool |
Hall of the Pool |
Hall of the Pool |
In Session 10, set in 1491 DR, Ulvai Stormcaller TurHost fell, the Bonedrinkers were defeated, and the party gained enough XP (78+7=85) to level up from 8 to 9.