Monday, January 27, 2020

Session 17 The Temple of Takhisis; Fall of Abithriax & Tyrgarun ca 21-24/8/1491 XP 126+8 = 134/140 Lvl 11

The heavily depleted Red Hand Horde under Wyrmlord Kharn is retreating back towards the Wyrmsmoke Mountains, harried by the Tiri Kitor Owlriders and remaining Vale forces. According to intelligence, they intend to join with an even larger force mustering there, to be bolstered by the diabolical forces of Takhisis herself...

Heroes of Brindol including Uah and Egg are made Knights of Brindol by Lord Kerben Jaarmath. Egg is appointed Commander of the Brindol Irregulars, a force of Rangers and Scouts, and granted rulership of Vraath Keep as a forward base for his Company.

Group of heroes including Lady Uah & Sir Egg sent by Lord Jamath to stop Azar Kul opening the Gate to Hell with thousands of sacrifices. Tiri Kitor owlriders fly them to the Temple of Takhisis high atop the Wyrmsmoke Mountains. Defeat & finally kill the red dragon Abithriax, the blue dragon Tyrgarun (father of Azar Kul), two black Abishai, & 2 zombie dragons, one of which is the corpse of Ozyrandion who fell at Drellin's Ferry.

Tyrgarun, Father of Azur Kul

1 comment:

  1., you're a beacon of emotional release. Your website is a testament to the power of catharsis and shared experiences.
